Saturday, September 21, 2013

Growing up with kids

In our adventures in parenting there has been nothing better than to have people walking the same path beside us.  A few people have shared some great resources lately that are good to have on hand when it seems like nothing is working.

This is a great article on understanding your toddler's behaviour and this is a good one for older children - again, reminding us to focus on empathy, trust and discipline (as opposed to punishment). 


  1. Hi Rose, thanks for posting the first link. I especially like the time-out paragraph.
    "If a child misbehaves in a public situation, the child is usually indicating he’s tired, losing control and needs to leave. Carrying a child to the car to go home, even if he kicks and screams, is the respectful way to handle the issue."
    This has been our practice and experience for the most part. I found that responding with restriction rather than punishment proved to be a more loving, appropriate way. It takes immense self-control on the parent's part not to use our own anger as a tool. But sometimes, holding the flailing child (if you have an emotionally strong-willed child) tends to be the best move of action. Great article!

  2. Really loved the second article. It's like a mini-version of the "spirited child" book we have. Reminds me that we're doing okay. Power struggles are definitely the hardest part for us. It's so easy to lock in, especially when you're stressed or over-tired. I always have to remind myself that we're raising a human, not just trying to control behaviours and actions.

