Friday, August 19, 2011

Bed Time

Sorting through the starred items in my google reader, I found this post.  "Enjoying the Small Things" is a massively popular blog that I don't keep up with any more, but I can't deny that her writing is incredible.  She often posts about time spent on her bed with her girls, napping, playing, reading...Bed Time is wonderful.  She has really inspired me to make good use of our gorgeous bed - not just for the usual things :)  Our routine is a morning one, rather than an evening one, and I actually look forward to it every day.  I have never been a morning person (understatement of the century) and was nervous about becoming a mom for that reason - babies don't have a sense of these things, and won't gently wake you up when they need something.  But I have been so pleasantly surprised by how lovely it is to wake up to that adorable, sweet, smiling girl who is so happy to see me.  And it's especially lovely when daddy gets her out of bed and then brings her to ours for a few cuddles and a lot of silliness.  Kelle Hampton's post just inspires me to keep it up and savour each moment.  I love Bed Time! 

1 comment:

  1. that is so good to here! i remember spending long mornings in the bed with mika when it was just her and i. those were precious moments.
    this morning was like that with both of them this time. cuddling and then playing with us in bed. it was so sweet!

