Thursday, September 1, 2011

crate table

I have a bunch of painted white farm crates which have been used in so many ways over the years.  They are now being used to take up space in the basement.  :(  But I have one really nice old bare wood one, and that's the one that I think could work for this project.  At one point someone did a horrible sponge painting job on the one side of it (shame!) so I was thinking I might just sand and paint the one side of it and make that the top - a nice smooth surface - and then have it open on one side...who knows.  Knowing, right off the bat, is not the point.  The inspiration is the point.  And I'm inspired.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! crates are a many wonderful thing! ;)

    Darling Rose! I love reading your posts! I was hoping to subscribe to an email list... is that possible on your blog??? :) you're wayyy cooL!

