Monday, March 26, 2012

Crocheted Rug

I believe my mother has done this and I definitely plan to try it out some day.  I love old fabric and certainly an old sheet is one of the softest things there is.  Area rugs are stinkin' expensive so this would also cut costs.  Recycled, hand-made, cheap?  Sounds good.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Computer Re-boot

This is not my usual type of link, but I liked the reminder of this post, to use what you have instead of just tossing it and buying a new one.  Obviously this person has skill and know-how, but I still find it inspirational - lots of people with skill and know-how still just have a disposable mentality when it comes to technology.  Yay for recycling!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Bits and Pieces Activity Board

As my little girl gets older, and since she is still (for only a couple more months) an only child, I find that she relies heavily on good toys.  Right now she is immersed in the world of baby.  She dresses her baby, changes her baby, feeds her, plays with her, talks to's amazing.  Although she is in love with her baby, there are times when you can just see her little brain wandering around (inside her little trouble-making body) looking for something engaging to do.  We have one of those antique Fisher-Price Activity Center toys, and she'll occasionally give it a whirl, but I think this would make an excellent addition to our collection.  Any grandpas out there looking for something to do?  Take all of those little mechanical bits and pieces lying around your shop and make it into one of those!  Awesome!